Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Secret Service

There has always been people trying to get over the gates of the White House, but almost all are stopped by the Secret Service before they can even get their foot on the fence. On Friday a man was actually able to get past five levels of security before he was stopped, reports the Washington Post. The Washington Post reports that the intruder was Omar Jose Gonzalez and that the Secret Service had had their eyes on him twice before. This incident is now under investigation and will be dealing with the teams that were supposed to be guarding the White House.
Gonzalez managed to get trespass a good 70 yards into the restricted area and even manage to get to the front door of the White House, which was unlocked. Former Secret Service agents reported to the Washington Post that this intruder actually got around Five levels of security including, plainclothes agents outside the fence, an agent at the guard booth, an attack dog, the SWAT team, and a guard at the front door. The head spokesman for the Secret Service has declined to say anything about the investigation to Washington Posts and had said that there is no way that an anonymous source could know the plans to guard the White House. 
The Washington Post informs us that there was a surveillance tape that shows a dog and men fallowing Gonzalez but by that point he had already reached the front door of the house. Washington Post also informs us that the reason Gonzalez was running towards the White House was because he wanted to tell the president that the "atmosphere was falling."  According to reports there was also an agent on the porch, his stationed position for that night is yet unknown. The agent on the porch could have shoot the intruder but for some reason hesitated to do so. The report says that Gonzalez was let go and it was said that it did not seem like he had any mental illness. 


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